Quick Start for MVP with Vue.js and Laravel in Docker


If you need to quickly test an idea, build an MVP, or create a proof of concept, you probably don’t want to spend a lot of time setting up your environment. Configuring frontend, backend, database, services, and dependencies every time is a long and tedious process.

I have created a repository that allows you to run Vue.js for frontend and Laravel API for backend using Docker containers. This way, you can focus on coding rather than configuration.

Key Features

  • Fast setup: All services run in Docker containers, avoiding environment issues.
  • Pre-configured integration: Frontend (Vue.js) and backend (Laravel) are ready to interact.
  • Easy to extend: You can easily add new services or modify existing ones.
  • Flexible configuration: All parameters are stored in .env files.

How Does It Work?

The project consists of the following components:

  • Frontend on Vue.js
  • Backend API on Laravel
  • Database (e.g., MySQL or PostgreSQL)
  • Docker Compose for easy service management

Clone the Repository

git clone git@github.com:VladimirChudovskiy/dlvnm.git

Then just follow instructions in the README.md file